Monday, October 22, 2007

There's just something about a Diet Coke from McDonald's

I have known, pretty much all day that we were going to McDonald's for dinner tonight. Chloe had a dr.'s appt. at 4:15, Ryan had to lead Cadets at church, and Owen got a gift card to McDonald's for his birthday (Thanks Auntie Tara and Uncle Len!) :)

Anyway - by about 1:00 p.m. I was craving a Diet Coke. I actually have some 2 liters left over from Owen's party, but there's just something about a good fountain Diet Coke from McDonald's! We got out of Chloe's dr.'s appt. (it is just her asthma, and now we are on 5 medications, instead of the three that we previously were on) :( and we were on our way to get our dinner. I decided we would just take it home - I don't really care to sit inside, and Ryan wasn't with to help, so we just came straight home. I got all of the kids out, and started to bring the food and drinks in. You aren't going to believe this, but I wasn't 1 foot inside the door, when my Diet Coke falls to the ground, and spills all over the carpet. I was ticked to say the least! I set the drink carrier on the fireplace mantel, and get the kids organized with their food. I clean up the carpet, and settle in to eat my food, only to realize that their is a completely full diet coke in the drink carrier on the mantel!!! No lie! My long awaited coke was sitting right on the fireplace! Oh thank you dear McDonald's worker who made the BIG mistake of putting 2 Diet Cokes in my drink carrier instead of one!

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