Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Party Number Two!!

On Sunday, we had Christmas with Grandma and Grandpa T. We had an awesome dinner, compliments of Jen, :) and we just had an all around good time!

Here's a quick montage of the gift opening! :)

Monday, December 22, 2008

Our first Christmas party of 2008

On Saturday, we went to my mom's to celebrate Christmas. Last year, we started a new tradition to do it on the Saturday before Christmas.

She, of course, made an AWESOME breakfast, and spoiled us rotten with all of the gifts and treats! We love you Mom/Grandma! Thanks for such an awesome morning!!!

I put together a little video of the morning for you. Enjoy!!!

Stay tuned for Christmas with Grandma and Grandpa T.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

A bunch of random...

This morning I went into Chloe's room to wake her up for school. We have to wake her up about 6:45 to get her to school on time. When I crept into her room, I noticed that Owen had gotten into her bed and he was sound asleep! Chloe was so excited to tell me that in the middle of the night, Owen went to the edge of her bed, and gave her a big smile and then asked if he could sleep with her! So cute! :) Good thing she has a queen size bed, because I'm sure there were legs and arms everywhere! Those two are some wild sleepers!:)


Last Friday, my dishwasher broke. Ugghhhh!! I guess I really took my dishwasher for granted. I absolutely HATED emptying and reloading that thing! Oh man, what I would do now to be able to empty and reload it! I loathe washing dishes by hand!! My hands have gotten so dry, because they are in water so much more now! O well, enough complaining! :)


Saturday morning, we went to my sister Melanie's house for Christmas with my dad and Bette. We had loads of food and fun, and the kids had a blast. It was a little bit loud and rowdy at times, but totally fun! We missed my sister and her family from Florida, and my niece Dana though! :)


And then on Sunday, Chloe and I went to Long Grove with my mother-in-law, two sisters-in-law and my niece for a day of shopping! The ladies had a lot of fun - I'm not so sure the two girls did, (the shops were tailored more for adults) but we had a nice dinner and fun conversation!


This week I'm concentrating on getting everything checked off of my to-do/to get/to make lists, and I'm doing a fairly good job so far. We have 3 parties this weekend - 2 on Saturday (Christmas with my mom on Saturday morning, and then Christmas with my mom's extended family on Saturday night) and 1 party on Sunday (Christmas with Ryan's parents). So needless to say, we are BUSY, BUSY, BUSY! It's totally fun though, and I'm really looking forward to it.

I've not yet gotten out my Christmas cards. They are all printed (Melanie even printed my envelopes for me) how much easier can it get? And I still haven't done them. I will though - this week....hopefully....

I'm not sure I'll be able to post again before Christmas, so I'm wishing you all a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and an AWESOME NEW YEAR!!!! GOD BLESS!!!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Do the Hustle!!

O.K., so I couldn't come up with a better title, but it sort of fits my mood lately!

I absolutely LOVE the holiday season. I LOVE getting together with family and friends and having parties of all kinds! I LOVE decorating 250 cookies in one day! I LOVE fighting all of the crowds trying to find the perfect present for everyone! I LOVE seeing my kids faces as they walk into the family room and see the presents waiting for them. I LOVE preparing for our trip to the Wilderness 2 days after Christmas, because my kids just LOVE it!

BUT - you had to know their was going to be a but....

I'm tired.

Don't get me wrong, I still LOVE all the things that the season brings, but man oh man, am I exhausted! I have three parties this weekend alone, and I still have so much that needs to be bought for those parties, and the food that needs to be made for those parties. Sometimes, I just feel so overwhelmed.

Today though, I decided that during this crazy busy season, I'm going to take time to enjoy it all. Too many times I find myself getting wrapped up in what presents I need to buy, and what needs to be done, that I find myself getting so stressed out - to the point that I'm crabby and don't enjoy it!

Make the choice to enjoy this season - as crazy as it is - and concentrate more on the family and friends that we have! We are so very blessed, not only during this season, but all year long!!

Monday, December 8, 2008

It took a lot of guts...

So, those of you that know me, know that I can talk - A LOT sometimes! Well, on Saturday, I was in Kohl's all by myself [read: NO KIDS!!!] and I happened to walk past a women who looked totally familiar, but I couldn't place her. I thought for a minute, and realized that it was Crooked Eyebrow!

I turned around and was starting to walk towards her, but then I stopped. It's hard for me to just walk up to someone I didn't really "know" and ask her who she is. So I turned back around, and thought that I would just send her an e-mail, and ask her if she was at Kohl's. Yeah, that's what I was going to do! And then I saw her again. I had to say something! So I walked up to her, I'm sure bright red in the face, and told her I have something really stupid to ask her. She was so incredibly sweet from the minute I started talking to her. I then asked her if she had a blog, and if she was Crooked Eyebrow! She did and she was! :) We chatted for a few minutes, and then went on our way! I was so happy that I said something, as awkward as it was for me to do it, at first.

Oh, and I am so there the next time she plans a local get together! :) (Hopefully it's soon! ;))

Friday, December 5, 2008

I couldn't resist

I did this last year, and I couldn't help but do it again. It is just too stinkin' funny, and my kids get a kick out of it too! :)

Send your own ElfYourself eCards

Monday, December 1, 2008

Am I the worst mom ever?

Take a look at this video, and let me know. Ryan thinks I'm not being so nice...