Wednesday, April 25, 2007

My son has been super glued...

Well, I never thought that I would have a trip to the E.R. with Owen, Brett maybe, definitely NOT Owen...not yet anyway. But, it happened. Yesterday morning about 8:23, Owen was running around the family room, and fell onto the wooden box/container that I hold all of the diapers and wipes in. I was on the phone with my sister, Melanie when it happened. We were talking away, when I heard him fall and then start to cry. I then say to Mel, "oh my, there's blood, I gotta go!" I immediately flip out (I'm not good in emergency situations.) I start crying, while trying to console Owen, clean up the blood, and answer all of the questions coming from Chloe. I call Ryan and tell him to come home, because I have to bring Owen to the ER. His truck was at the dealer, so I didn't have a car. It worked out good though, because I didn't have to bring the other two with me to the E.R. About 20 minutes after he fell, he vomited. Of course, I flipped out again. Calling my mom, and Ryan's mom to see if that's a sign of a concussion. Long story short, I took him, and they super glued his cut together. They weren't too concerned about him vomiting, and after a couple of hours, we were on our way home! Just another day in the our household...