Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Snakes and Crocodiles!

Ryan is a Cadet Counselor at our church. Every other Monday, he doesn't get home until about 9:00 p.m. It makes for a long day, but he really enjoys doing it, so I won't complain! ;)

Bedtime around here, is usually pretty uneventful. Except for last night. Of course when daddy's not around!:) I won't go into details, but I did finally manage to get them all down. I was hoping to enjoy some Jon and Kate plus 8. Not the case - the boys were jumping around like crazy, so I run upstairs, only to find Brett in his brothers crib. I don't know what it is about that crib lately, but Brett wants in - BAD! Got that all settled, only for Chloe to call me and I could tell that she was crying. She yelled - "could you please come and rub my head - I can't fall asleep!" So off I go, up the stairs again. I start talking to her, and ask her why she can't fall asleep. To which she replies, "I keep dreaming of snakes and crocodiles. I tried to ask Jesus to take them away, but they won't go away." I've told her in the past that if she has trouble sleeping, she could either pray or call me - she did both!;) I started to rub her head, and then I also prayed with her. Not long after that, she was sound asleep.

I'm just so thankful that were are raising our kids at such a young age to ask Jesus for help when we need it!


On another note, Ryan and I were just starting to doze off last night, when we heard one of the boys talking. We laid there for a bit, only to here Brett say, "EXCUSE ME! WATER PLEASE!" I couldn't stop laughing! Brett has a tendancy to sleep walk, and I really think that he was asleep while he asked for the water. Too cute! :)

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