Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Tackle it Tuesday

I've decided to go ahead and do a "Tackle it Tuesday!" I'm sure all of us have something in our lives that we need to "tackle."

Well, for me, I needed to tackle my laundry. It was seriously getting out of control! I'm almost embarrassed to admit this, but I'm going to anyway. I've had about 4 or 5 baskets of CLEAN laundry sitting in my family room since Saturday. I've got no problem washing it and drying it - it's the folding and putting away that I absolutely loath!!!

I didn't get a proper BEFORE picture, because I had already started to fold the laundry before I decided to do this post:
And here's the in-between

And as for the after? Well, let's just say I'm...Ahem...still "tackling" that! ;) Really, I am!!


  1. I have the same problem. I will be reading the kids a book while they fold and take turns putting piles away. I better make sure I pick a chapter book ;)

  2. I have clean laundry piled up on the chair in my living room and it's overflowing down to the floor right now! I don't know why I'm so unmotivated when it comes to folding. I even watched TV last night about 12 inches away from the pile and didn't do a thing about it. :)
