Thursday, March 11, 2010

Here I go again...

Another one of those long random posts! ;)

Here goes:

Chloe's doing really good - minus some headaches, which the neurosurgeon's nurse said she will have for quite some time. It's a bummer really, but if this is all we have to deal with after her accident, we'll take it. She's also pretty bummed that she can't play outside at recess. The weather has been getting so nice out, and all she wants to do is play outside. Apparently, yesterday she played on the sidewalk at recess time, and I had no idea she did this. I've told her to sit on the bench. Ugghhh!! It's just such a hard decision. If we let her play and she falls and hits her head on the sidewalk, we've got a huge problem. I hate living my life in fear, but if we can try to prevent something bad from happening, we will!! So, it's back to the bench for her.:(


My mommy is here to spend the weekend with us! :) I just love it when she is here with me! Lots of time to chitty-chat while folding the never ending pile of laundry! She always seems to enjoy folding the laundry. I wish a little bit of that would rub off on me! ;)


Today, I was the VIP for my nephew Bennett's preschool class! :) I was second pick. First, being his daddy. I was completely flattered that he chose me!!! He was so excited when I walked into his class - grin from ear to ear! We had a fun time doing crafts and playing games together - something I don't get to do often with JUST him! Love you Benny Boy!


I got my hair cut yesterday. I was planning on having it grow out, but absolutely hated the growing out process, not to mention, I really just like my hair short. Before I got it cut, I ran to Jewel and got a box of hair dye. Yeah, I only spent $0.46 on it! ;) {I used some left-over catalina's!} Gotta love that!

Speaking of Jewel...kinda glad that week is over! Phew! It was a whirlwind of Catalina's, but good nonetheless. Looking forward to a couple weeks of "regular" shopping before another Catalina surge like that one! Was it just me, or was it hard to keep all the deals straight!?!?!


Alrighty! I think that's it for now!


  1. Would this be like, crap on the brain? LOL Love it. :)

  2. having your Mom in town is simply PRICELESS! I long for those days...

  3. Yes Melissa, definitely crap on the brain! :) That just might have to be my title next time around! :)
