Monday, March 8, 2010

Green Couch, Red Couch, Brown Couch...

This lovely love seat was the first piece of furniture that Ryan and I purchased together {along with it's matching sofa, of course}. Ya know, young and in love, getting our apartment ready for when we got married. I remember the day - we headed out to Darvin Furniture store {I'm not even sure if it's still in business} and bought our first set of furniture together! It was SOOO much fun!!

As you can tell in the picture, it's got a slip cover on it - a brown one. The original color of the couch is a sage green, and let me tell you - once we had kids it got all kinds of stains on it. In our old house it had a brick red slip cover, and since changing my comforter in my bedroom, it's now got a brown one to match.

This couch's home is now in our bedroom. There are many a day that I sit on it and talk with Ryan while he is working - just to the left of the couch. Or, the kids will sit and play their DS's or just chat with us if we're both at our desks. Since moving our office home, our bedroom doesn't have as much space for this little love seat, but I love that it's in our room - it's gives everyone a place to hang out and chat together! :) I plan on keeping it there for a while.

**This post is part of a writing assignment from Steph @ Adventures in Babywearing!**


  1. Couches serve a good purpose. They deserve all this appreciation today! :)

    Great job!


  2. You can tell a couch has really been loved when it has a slip cover. :-)

  3. Slipcovers are so handy, aren't they? Put one on and it's like you have a brand new couch! :)
