Friday, April 18, 2008

Why are we moving?

So this morning at exactly 4:44a.m., I woke up feeling like my bed was moving, and I heard the closet doors banging. I quickly grabbed Ryan's leg, and woke him up and said, "why are we moving?" We both sat there for what seemed like a while, a bit baffled. And then Ryan shook the bed with his body, and then said, "because you're moving!" Now let me explain a bit - I'm a crazy sleeper! I wake Ryan up at least once a week, because I hear crazy sounds, or I'm talking in my sleep, etc. So in his defense, he thought it was just one of those times.

It was was an earthquake!!! Ryan woke up to get ready for work, and turned on the news, only to find that there was a 5.2 magnitude earthquake at 4:37 a.m. in West Salem, IL. We live in Indiana. It lasted about 20 seconds. (seemed much longer than that!) He woke me up, and I was so glad to hear that it was an earthquake - not because I'd ever want anyone to ever be hurt, or anything, but because in a sense, I was redeemed! Maybe I'm not such a crazy sleeper after all...

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