First off, thanks so much for all of your prayers today. I really felt them, and I just felt a peace about the whole situation, and I'm sure that is in part because of your prayers, so thanks!!
I'll start with last night. Because we had to sleep deprive the little guy, it meant that he wasn't going to bed until at least 11:00 p.m., which is a huge difference from the 7 - 7:30 bedtime that he is used to. He was, needle
I woke up this morning, glanced over at the clock, and it read 5:46 a.m.!!!!! WHAT!?!?!? I totally set that alarm clock and double and triple checked it! O well, I hurry up and wake up Brett, and again he was so happy! I thought for sure that when I took him out of his nice warm bed he would be a crank - especially after going to bed so late, but he wasn't. He asked one time for a "snack," and I told him that the doctor said he couldn't have anything to eat until after we got the "pictures" of his head, and he said "o.k.", and never asked again. That in and of itself was an answer to pray. That was the thing that I fretted about the most, and it wasn't even an issue!
It wasn't long, and we were at the hospital. He didn't even try to fall asleep on the way there. Just talking away, happy as could be. We got there, and you could sense that he was a bit nervous. The nurse explained everything to me, and thankfully, they weren't going to put the IV in until after he had fallen asleep, and they had already numbed his hands so he shouldn't feel a thing. We tried to give him the liquid sedative, and he was having nothing of it. He spit it all over the place - including all over Ryan's glasses! :P I had to bribe him with a new Hot Wheels car in order for him to take the dose. It worked! He drank it right down. It wasn't long before he was asleep in my arms (I loved that, by the way) and we tried to transfer him to the MRI machine. I stood up, and he immediately woke up and said, "I'm falling, I'm falling!" We continued to go to the MRI room, and tried to get him to fall back to sleep. He did, and then we tried to put him back on the table only for him to wake up again. Repeat this cycle about 3 times. Finally the nurse came back in with the o.k. from the doctor to go ahead and give him another half dose of the sedation. He would not fall asleep, but man was he loopy! It was hard not to laugh at him, because we felt so bad for him and what his little body was going through. I have no pictures, because....well...that's just wrong. The nurse was just about ready to call it quits, when he finally gave in and fell asleep. I could hear him snoring, so I knew he was in a pretty good sleep. She wanted to put him on the table, and I asked if we could just wait a few more minutes for him to fall into a deep sleep, so we did. I put him up on the table, and he was out like a light! Thank you Jesus!! I then walked out of the room. I walked out of the room. I'm having a little bit of a hard time with that one. As I said before, MRI's just make me sick. I couldn't stand to see him get his head strapped down and the little cage put over his whole head, so I had Ryan stay in there with him. I feel a little bit like I wasn't there for him when he needed me, but I have to just come to grips with the fact that he was SOUND ASLEEP, and his daddy was there for him. They had to do a dye contrast also, so half-way through they had to put an IV in. He didn't even wake up with that! :) He did just awesome!
Waking him up was the hard part! He was so out of it. Again, it was pretty funny to hear the things he was saying. He would sit straight up in the bed and say, "I can cross my eyes!" All the while his head is bobbing all over the place. :)
The nurse said if we felt comfortable taking him home like this, then we were free to go home. She said it is completely normal for a child to act this way after oral sedation, so we agreed to just take him home. The nurse said that we should expect results tomorrow, so I'll keep you posted. He fell asleep in the car, almost immediately, and slept the whole way home. As soon as we got home, he said he wanted to lay on the couch and he stayed asleep until about 2:00p.m.!
I am so proud of my guy! He did so incredibly awesome throughout the entire situation, and couldn't be more proud of him!
****The pictures in the super hero costume were not staged for this post. The boys found their halloween costumes that I bought for them last year, and Brett's pretty much hasn't come off of his body since! :)****
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