Monday, January 14, 2008

They bark and they bark and they bark.....

I try to keep my blog as upbeat and positive as possible. I try not to complain, (too much) but today I just have to.

You see, we have three dogs that live next door to us. Well, they do have owners, but mostly we just see/hear the dogs. These dogs have a tendancy to steal toys out of our backyard - even if they've only been there for 2 minutes - it's not for lack of cleaning up after ourselves. They have stolen countless pacifiers/sippy cups. To date, they've only gotten one pair of Brett's sandals this past summer, however, our neighbor had a pair of $300 golf shoes chewed up. It's crazy really.

But the thing that gets me the most is the BARKING!! It's actually more of a yelp/bark. And it goes on FOREVER!! I can remember times that I've called Ryan and said - Oliver has been barking for 43 minutes, or 41 minutes whichever the case may be. I can pretty much pinpoint at around 12 or 12:30 they are going to bark, and there is no telling how long it will last. Oliver, in particular, will bark at a stick or a rock for endless amounts of time. I've actually had Ryan go out under the cover of darkness to steal the blasted rock in the hopes that it would stop the barking, but good ol' Oli found another one to bark at the next day.

On Saturday morning at approx. 6:37 a.m., the owner was clapping for Oliver, Charlie and Clyde to come in. Now, here I was in bed, my kids were in bed and I get woken up by the neighbor yelling for the bloody dogs! I was pretty livid. There was also a time at 2 o'clock in the morning that they were barking like crazy. I actually got out of bed, and was going to call the neighbor and ask them if they heard them. because it's just ridiculous, but I couldn't find their number in the phone book. (lucky for them!)

I guess the reason I'm so hot about it today, is because Owen was in bed for no more than 30-40 minutes, and the dogs started barking and woke him up. He usually sleeps a good 2 1/2 to 3 hours. Thankfully he's pretty happy! But mommy's break just ended.

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