I did have a "Snugli" that I would use here and there, but not as frequent as I would now, if Owen wasn't so big.
Well, last night, Owen was pretty cranky. I actually said to my sister on the phone that Owen would crawl back into my womb if I let him! ;) That's how clingy he was. I was trying to get dinner ready, and he just wouldn't let me put him down. So I thought I'd go get the Snugli and see if that would help take some of the weight off of my arms. Now, this thing is only supposed to hold up to 26 lbs. Those of you that know or have seen my "little" Owen, know that he is NOT 26 lbs. At this point though, I didn't care. He was driving me crazy, and just wanted to be held, so this was my only option. I put him in there, and he LOVED it!!! The only downside was that one of the snaps couldn't snap, because he's too big. He stayed in there for at least 30 minutes while I prepared dinner. I kept asking him if he wanted to get down, and he said "no" every time. He loved it!
This morning - same thing. I'm not sure if he is coming down with something, and just wants to be held or what, but as I'm in the kitchen, he comes in and starts begging me to hold him. I tell him to hold on one minute, and he runs into the laundry room and gets the Snugli, and says - "hold me in here!" How was I supposed to say no now! :) So again, while making french toast, I held him in the Snugli.
I think it would be alot better if I had a Mei Tai or a Sling, but I don't think it's worth it to spend the money at the age and weight he's at.
To be honest, I didn't really understand why people "wore" their babies. I just figured - Hey, put him in the swing or the bouncy seat, or whatever. But now, I think I get it. It was really convenient for me to hold Owen AND cook dinner at the same time, and everyone was happy. If only I had started to read blogs when Owen was a baby! :)
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