Well, this is going to be a little continuation of that...
Yesterday, while grocery shopping, the boys noticed a couple covered in tatoos. And they both started saying "Eeeewwwwwwwwwwww! Gross!" Owen said, "That yucky!" I think he had a bit of prompting from his big brother. Let me just add that I am not against tatoos in any way, but these peoples arms were covered in them, and I think that's why the boys thought it was yucky. To them, they probably thought is was just dirty. Anyway, the couple turns around and looks at them, and then me, with sort of a smile on their face, while I just say, "out of the mouths of babes, right?" I wanted to crawl into a hole.
We got home from shopping, ate lunch and got them all into bed for nap! Yeah!! Two hours of me time! I made myself a sandwich, got a Diet Pepsi, and plopped myself on the couch to watch T.V.! I heard the boys making quite a bit of noise, but I just chose to ignore it so that I could eat my lunch. Everything quieted down, so I went upstairs to check, and this is what I found:
Fast-forward to this morning - my husband is back at building his duck blind again!
He spent most of his night last night, and well into this morning building it. He didn't come to bed until almost 2AM. Anyway, this morning, the boys were playing with him in the garage. I was doing some stuff inside, when Ryan came barging in the door, saying, "Guess what just happened right now?" "What?" I say. Before I tell you what he said next, let me just tell you that our neighbors are getting a new driveway. They were pouring the cement real early this morning. SO, do I really need to tell you what happened, or can you figure it out yourself? I'm sure you can guess - there are four little footprints across the entire new driveway! Again - I wanted to crawl into a hole, as did my husband, because he was the one who heard the neighbor yelling, "No, No, No!" Ryan, of course, asked to help fix it, but he just said he would do it himself. I, of course, wanted to go get a picture of the cute little foot prints, but Ryan wouldn't let me! :)
Does it get any easier?!?! Sorry Michelle I said that it was fun having 3 kids so close in age, but boy is it ALOT of work! :)
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