Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Boys are way easier than girls...I think?!?!?!

Today is picture day for Chloe. I sent her to school in an outfit that she HATES! Every bit of it, down to the shoes. Now, I spent a little bit of money on this outfit - not too much, but definitely worth wearing. She complained and cried all morning about not wanting to wear the outfit, and then when it came time to do her hair - WATCH OUT!!! I finally had to bribe her a bit (I know, I'm bad) and told her that as soon as she gets home from school she can change. My boys on the other hand could care less what they are wearing. It is just so easy for me to pick out their clothes, get them dressed, and we're done. Easy as pie!

For the most part, Chloe is not a whiner - which is a good thing, but she does complain alot when I ask her to make her bed, clean her room, set the table, etc. Brett just LOVES doing these things! He makes his bed without me asking him to, and he just LOVES to clear the table after dinner! And Owen, being Brett's shadow, is starting to love these things too!

At this stage of the game, I'm just so glad that I have two boys and one girl. Ask me in about 13 years, when Brett is learning how to drive, breaking girls hearts, and getting into trouble, and we'll see if I have the same answer!

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