Friday, October 17, 2008

What are the odds?!?

My license plate sticker expired the end of last month. I knew about it. I knew that I had to get an emissions test, and I've been pushing it off.

Yesterday, I had to run some errands after picking up Chloe from school. I was going to pass the Emissions Testing Center, and I figured I better just get it done. Passed with flying colors ~ well, I don't know if I passed with flying colors, but I do know I passed!:)

Before dinner, Ryan decided he'd take the kids to go run some errands, while I went grocery shopping! So nice! Anyway, I'm on my way to the store, that is only like 3 minutes from my house, and I get pulled over - doing 41 in a 20 (I was excited to get to the store without kids!), and because of an expired plate. At that moment, I was so thankful that I had gotten the emissions test done, because then I was able to say that I just got the test done, and I planned on getting the sticker. The police was like 12 years old, and crept up to my window like I was going to pull a gun out on him. I will say though, that he was super sweet, and he let me off with not just one warning but TWO! I was so thankful, because the last thing I need to be spending my money on are stupid tickets. (both of which, I know are my fault) I call Ryan, and he tells me we have to get the sticker tomorrow. (meaning today)

This morning, I realize that our movies for the library were due yesterday. If I got to the drop box before 9, they are not considered late. I pack up the boys (who insisted on getting dressed for the day) and me in my HUGE sweat pants, greasy hair and no makeup ~ I was only going 3 minutes away to the library - who was gonna see me?!?! I get to a stop light, and what do you know - another coppy cop is right behind me. I saw him looking stuff up on his computer, and knew that at any moment, he would be pulling me over. GREAT! I couldn't believe it! Here comes another 12 maybe 13 year old cop up to my window, again like I was going to pull a gun out at him or something ~ or maybe he was scared of me - I looked a sight! "Mam, I pulled you over because of an expired plate." Again, thankfully, I had the document from the emissions testing center, and I pulled it out and told him I was planning on getting the sticker today. He looked over the sheet and said, "well, you better get it done today!" "Yes sir, thank you so much!" Phew!!!

Two things ~ what are the odds that I would get pulled over twice in a say 14 hour period and both cops let me go? And I really felt like the Lord made me go do that emissions test. It just sort of popped in my head as I was driving by. Sometimes the Lord does cool things like that. Had I not had the proof of the emissions test, I'm sure I wouldn't have gotten off both times! So cool!

Oh, and I'm pretty certain that I have the youngest cops in my town, but definitely the nicest! :D

***As I was proofing this post, I just looked down at my shirt, and there is a big syrup stain from my waffle this morning! NICE! Slob...

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