Monday, December 31, 2007

We're back!!!

**I left my camera home for this trip - man, was I mad, but I wasn't about to spend $17.99 at the hotel for a disposable one. So, unfortunately, I have no pictures for this post! :( **

Well, after a long 5 days on the road, we arrived home safely last night!

We started out Wednesday morning on our way to Sandusky, OH to go to the Kalahari. We stayed there for two nights, and it was really ALOT of fun. We wore our kids out - BIG TIME, but they also had loads of fun. My brother and sister-in-law and two of their kids met us there on Thursday, so that was fun too, to have someone else with us!

On Friday afternoon, we left the hotel, and headed out to Ryan's Grandma's house - which is on the way to my dad's. We got there around 3:00, and stayed there for a few hours. Grandma made us a nice roast dinner, and we just had a nice time visiting!

Friday night, we made the trek to my dad's house which was just a little over an hour away from Grandma's. The kids were so good in the car, and we just overall really good kids all week. My brother called me on my phone to see where we were, and I told him we were about 5 miles away! YIPPEE!! Almost there! Owen then announces that he's going to be sick. "I sick mom, I sick mom!" Yep, 5 miles from my dad's and Owen gets car sick. We just couldn't believe it. It is inevitable that if we take a road trip, that one of our kids is going to be sick at least once, if not more. We got him all cleaned up, and got to my dads. He was completely fine after that and slept all night, so we were pretty sure it was just car sickness.

Anyway - we stayed at my dad's for two nights, and had alot of fun too. Ryan and the kids played on the go-kart and got completely dirty, but had fun doing it, so that's o.k.:) If only I had my camera to take a picture of my niece, Leah. She was dirt from head to toe! :) (Mel - I think Jon took one - you should post it!) Saturday night we had "Christmas." Had a nice dinner, and then, of course, presents! The kids loved it!

When we were ready to leave, Brett said he wanted to stay there. We decided to let him think he was staying there, and then see what he would do. He was completely content with the idea of staying there. Ryan and I said good-bye, and he basically couldn't care less that we were leaving without him! It was quite cute. Finally, I went back in to get him, and he cried, because he wanted to stay there. I told him he could watch a movie in our van, and then he came with us !:) It was really sweet.

Overall, we had a very busy/great time, and the kids were just so good through it all, so that made it more enjoyable for me !:)

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