Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Let it Snow!! Let it Snow!! Let it Snow!!

As I sit hear at my computer, my husband just announced, "It's still snowing!" :)

It's been snowing since dinner time, and it's wonderful!!! I actually put the light on the back of our house on so that I can see it out my porch door while I watch t.v./play on my computer! I love it!

We are supposed to get 3-6 inches of snow by tomorrow. I'm secretly hoping for a snow day tomorrow, so Chloe can stay home and we can just hibernate all day. That would be awesome!

For some reason this year, I am loving the cold/snowy weather. Sure, it's a pain to get the kids all bundled up, but I was really looking forward to this and it's finally here! Oh, the kids are going to be thrilled when they wake up in the morning! :)

Ryan started a fire right after dinner, and it's just awesome to sit here by the Christmas tree and the fire and watch the snow. This is the life! :) Enjoy! (If your in the midwest:) )

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