Monday, August 6, 2007

I cried with a stranger yesterday...

***I typed this out on Friday, and then really contemplated whether or not to post it, because I sound like a complete moron. I decided to go ahead and post it, because I'm not the only mom around who has had days/weeks like these, and it's comforting to know that most everyone has gone through something like this. I hope?!?!?***

Yep, sure did! Ever have one of those days, better yet, weeks? Let's go back to Tuesday...

I was planning on making hamburgers on the grill, and use the little stove top thing on the grill to make the corn on the cob. Perfect! I won't get the house all hot, seeing as it's been in the high 80's all week, and I didn't want to defeat the purpose of the a/c. Anyway, I go to put the corn on the side burner, only to find out that the gas is gone. Great! Now, I think in my head where the nearest propane exchange place is, and the only place I could come up with is Walgreens. O.K., not too far away ~ the kids are in their suits from the sprinkler, so I throw some shirts on them, and get them in the car. We get to Walgreens, and Brett tells me he has to go to the bathroom. Sure you do, son! It's always at the most inopportune times. I tell him to hold on just a minute while I pay for the gas, and then I was gonna let him go. Well, no sooner did I say that, he stood on the side of the cart, and the whole cart tips over onto him ~ with Owen in it! Both kids are screaming, and I'm about to loose it, because we all know what happened the last time Brett fell out of a cart! I pick up the cart, only to realize that Brett went to the bathroom in his pants. I figure out that each kid is fine, and we quickly head to the car.

Fast forward to today. I took Chloe to dance class, and realize that these two rambunctious, wild, hyper, crazy, energetic, loud little boys are not going to behave in the little waiting room. I put them in the car and go to pick up a couple things from the grocery store. Brett asked if he could use one of the little carts that he could push around. "Sure honey! I just need a couple of things ~ stay with Mommy!" I got Owen in the little truck cart, and we were on our way! Everyone happy! Let's go! For the most part, Brett was pretty good ~ minus the time he banged the cart, and all the Shrek band-aids went flying. Anyway, we get to the check-out, and Owen wants to walk. "I walk mom, I walk mom, I walk mom....." He ended up getting out of the cart, because I didn't buckle him in, (first mistake) and heads on over to Brett with the cool cart that he could push around and bang into everything while mom tries to unload her own cart. CRAZY!! I was sweating bullets. To make a long story sort of short, :) Brett and Owen start fighting for the stinkin' cart, and both of them are screaming/crying. I'm trying to stay calm in this situation, but their are tons of people staring at me like I'm a circus act! I put Owen in the cart, and I grab onto Brett's hand, as the bagger says "Are you sure you don't need help ~ looks like you've got your hands full." "No thanks! I'm just fine!" I head out the door while both of the boys are both crying at this point, and I'm about to start at any minute. I get out the door, and get down to Brett's level to start to talk to him, when I hear this women say, "It gets better. I remember when my boys would do the same thing. I had days like that." That was it, that was my absolute breaking point. I look at her ~ thankfully I had sunglasses on ~ and say "I feel like I could cry right now!" Yep, that's what I said, and that's what I did. I feel like a moron now that I'm typing this out and reliving it. She then says, "O honey, It gets better! Tomorrow's another day!" "I know," I say. And head to my car with my head down.

Thankfully, today is a new day, and we're doing just fine! Just a little meltdown at the grocery store! :)

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