Tuesday, August 8, 2006

So, why can't I do it?!?

Owen doesn't sleep through the night yet. I know, he's 9 months old, he should probably be doing that by now, but he just doesn't. He wakes up usually 1 time a night, and then again at like 5:30. Most times I enjoy it, because he's still my little baby, but I will say ~ it's taking it's toll on me. I haven't slept through the night myself in over a year. Ughh!! Since the day we brought him home, he's been in my room, so this transistion is hard for me.

Last night, Ryan decided to move Brett's bed into Chloe's very pink room, so that we could let Owen cry it out in their room, without waking Brett up in the middle of the night. I don't know why this is such a big deal for me ~ probably because of the fact that I know that this is my last baby, and I just don't care if he still needs me in the middle of the night.

So, he woke up about 12ish, and I let him cry it out for about 40 minutes. I couldn't handle it. I knew that if I were to nurse him it would take approximately 4.6 minutes to get him back to sleep, and then we could all go back to sleep. So I got up, and fed him. It took a little while for him to calm down, but he went right back to sleep, and didn't wake up again until 5:30. What's the big deal? I know it's not teaching him anything, but isn't it just easier to nurse him, and then go right back to sleep? I can't tell you how awful it is for me to hear him screaming his head off, and I'm not supposed to go and get him. It kills me. I could just cry myself.

Don't get me wrong ~ I want him to sleep through the night ~ Heck, I want to sleep through the night, but why can't I do it?!?!?

So, I'm left with a baby who still doesn't sleep through the night, a husband who's frustrated with the fact that I can't let him cry it out, and a boy who sleeps in a very pink room.

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