Monday, February 19, 2007

A trip to the dentist, the patchie is GONE, and a first haircut!!

Finally, the house seems back to normal. Everyone is healthy and for the most part happy!:) So here we go with an update of the goings on in our house...

Well, Chloe has officially gotten her first cavity filled. It's kind of bitter~sweet for me, because we had originally thought that she had cracked her tooth. Turns out it was just a bad cavity. We were glad that we didn't have to get a cap or anything, but we were a little sad that she got a cavity. She LOVES to drink apple juice, and the dentist said that is NOT good. So, we've put an end to that, and she gets water or milk all day, except at lunch ~ she gets a glass of juice at lunch. It's gone over well so far, and Brett doesn't seem to mind no juice either. Owen has never had juice, so I'm just keeping him on water and milk too.

Now on to Brett. The patchie is a thing of the past ~ THANK GOD! It took about three nights for him not to ask for it. Nap time is still especially hard, but I'm sure we'll get through that too. He doesn't even ask for it anymore!!!

Here he is the first night when I told him the patchie was going bye-bye. He obviously isn't too happy...

And here he is, the next day. He cried and cried for that thing. I'm actually quite surprised that I was as strong as I was and didn't give it to him.

And Owen got his first haircut a couple of weeks ago. It was "all business up front, and a party out back!" :) He wouldn't sit in the chair by himself, so I'm taking the picture with him on my lap...

All done...

My little Owen is getting so big these days. He's starting to say more things, and play a bit better on his own. We still have alot of the day with him on my hip, but we're working on that. He's just such a joy!!

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