Friday, February 16, 2007

Don't cry over spilled milk...

Have you ever heard the saying "Don't cry over spilled milk?" Well, I did this morning. If you've kept up with my blog this week, you'd know that I've had a pretty crappy week. (No pun intended.) Well, Owen woke up at 4:00a.m. I think that he may have ear infections. I know, he's got tubes, but he's been tugging at them for a few days now, so it's just an instinct that I have. Anyway, I gave him Motrin, and Teething Tablets (just for good measure) and then we finally went back to bed about 5:30. I woke up and noticed that the top of the Motrin was off the bottle, and Brett's mouth was a bit sticky. Now I knew that their wasn't more than half the bottle left, but I felt I needed to call Poison Control. Turns out that even if he drank the whole 4 ounce bottle, it wouldn't hurt him. "Give him a glass of milk." Well, stupid me ~ I put it in a cup without a lid. I then realize that Brett has poop. I go to change his diaper, and leave the cup of milk on the counter. Well, let's just say that Brett's poop has been a bit "loose." (TMI) Anyway, it got all over the carpet, and before I could even clean that up, I run back to the kitchen to get some cleaning supplies, and I see that Owen has stepped on the step-stool that Brett put there and got the cup of milk and it spilled down him, down the cabinets, and on the floor. I literally "cried over spilled milk."

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