Well, this post was going to be one of updates and cute pictures, but I'll have to save that for a later post.
This weekend was such a long weekend. Saturday night, Brett got the flu. We were up pretty much all night with him. Throwing up, changing sheets, in the tub, throwing up, changing sheets, in the tub. By morning, I had run out of blankets to give him, so I was doing laundry at about 5:00a.m. About 1:00a.m. though, Owen got it. Owen, wasn't too bad, he only woke up a couple of times, but I was really worried about Brett. Absolutely everything I gave him, he vomited ~ even Pedialyte. At about 3:30, he told me he was so thirsty, so I went and got him a cup of water. 10 minutes later, he puked that up. This went on all night. Finally about 7:00, I called my doctor. I was really concerned about him getting dehydrated. She called me back a bit later, and asked me how many times he had vomited in the last 15 hours (that's how long it had been going on by this time.) I told her 10-15, but probably more like 15. She told me to get to the E.R., because he needed IV fluids.
So, I prayed the whole way to the hospital that he wouldn't puke in the car. He didn't!! We got there, and we were the only ones there, so they took us in right away. The doctor came in right away, and he said that he was happy, because Brett still had tears and snot! A sign that he didn't have severe dehydration. Just as we were getting him hooked up to the IV, Ryan's parents walked in! I was so relieved to see someone I knew. I knew that Brett was going to be fine, but it's just reassuring for someone else to be there with you! Thanks guys! :) Anyway, he did really good with the IV going in, but he wanted it out so bad! We finally got a urine sample, and it said that their were keytones in it that showed dehydration. We already had the IV fluids going, so that's what they would've done anyway.
To make a long story short, we got out of there about 2:30p.m. He appears to be doing just fine this morning. He's eating a banana as I'm typing this, and he hasn't thrown up since yesterday! Owen is doing a lot better too! For a while I was thinking I was going to have to take him in too, but I think he'll be o.k.
And now, Ryan has it! He woke up about 4:00a.m. with it. This wicked thing spreads so fast!! I'm just praying that Chloe and I don't get it!!