Tuesday, February 9, 2010

A bunch of random! :)

Haven't done one of these in awhile...

*~* Chloe started back to school yesterday - after four weeks! Overall, I'd say it was a pretty good day. The school secretary called a couple times, cause she had a headache, and it wasn't time for more Tylenol. I think it was a bit wearing on her to be back, but alas, she went back today, and we'll see how it goes! We got to the University of Chicago on Thursday for a couple of CT Scans, and a few doctors visits - we'll be there most of the day actually, so pray that all goes well with that! Thanks!

*~*I'm a bit disappointed with the outcome of our Rock Candy so far..only a little bit of crystals, and not much rock candy. I'm totally sick of it sitting on my counter, so it's got a bout 2 days to produce something or it's gone! :)

*~* This is what the top of my entertainment center looks like...

It has become a display for the boys {and Ryan is included in that - see that fancy yellow car he created?!} Lego creations. It's actually really cute. When the boys don't want one of their creations to get ruined they put it on top of the entertainment center. :) Yes, I do realize that I still have my Christmas village up, but hey - it's a winter scene too! ;) Alright, I'm just making excuses cause I'm too lazy to put it away!

*~* And for those of you who don't follow me on Facebook, Chloe got her haircut!! They cut about 7 inches off!!!


AFTER (don't love the part down the middle, so we fix it to the side now! :)

*~* We {well, Ryan really! :)} decided he wanted to have a party for Chloe...the day of her accident was her half-birthday. She said to me MANY times "I just can't believe no body remembered my half-birthday!" {At school they celebrate half-birthdays if you have a summer birthday} When the accident happened, and Chloe was asleep, we promised her just about anything, and that's when Ryan promised her we'd throw her a big party. So that's what we're doing - on Sunday - Valentine's day...the day of LOVE! WE LOVE CHLOE! {AND BRETT AND OWEN TOO!} We didn't label it a birthday party, cause we don't want people to bring her gifts - we just want to Celebrate her life!

*~*My mom and sister and I spent a lot of the day yesterday making the cutest little treatsfor Chloe's party yesterday, and also some stuff for MOPS. Can I just tell you how blessed I am to have these two women in my life?!? We have so much fun together! We laugh so much when we are together, and it's just so much fun! Love you guys!!

*~* This is totally random - Owen just asked me for some coffee...I swear this kid drinks more coffee than I do! Thank you dear Grandma Betty for training him in this way! ;)

*~*I just had to throw this one in here, cause I just think it's so cute! I sent Owen to his room, cause he was being a stinker and when I called him back down he didn't answer me...this is what I found...

Yes, he's sleeping! :)

So, that's about it! My life in a random post! :) Enjoy your day!


  1. I love to read your blogs, honey...not because it has stuff about me once in a while, but you make everything so interesting and fun. Granted, there's no getting around it, we do have so much fun together. Sometimes afterwards I don't even remember why we laughed so hard, but I can sure remember me cracking up.
    Such an adorable picture of Owen. I just love him so much.
    Love you, Aims
    Your Mommy

  2. I just love that picture of Owen. That is so cute. It is one of those pictures you'll have to show his girlfriend or wife when he gets older. I wish I could go to Chloe's party. I am so bummed I have to work. Such is the life of a nurse who has to work every other weekend. No fun sometimes. I am trying to be positive about my job, but it is hard sometimes.
