Tuesday, January 26, 2010

2 more weeks

I spoke with the head of ENT at University of Chicago yesterday {she is the doctor taking care of the fracture on Chloe's forehead}. She thinks we should wait about 2 more weeks before Chloe can head back to school. I've got mixed feelings about this.

I'm happy, because more than anything in the world, I want to shelter her and protect her and keep her by me ALL.THE.TIME. Realistically, I know that can't happen, but it does mean that I've got two more weeks to have her all to myself. I'm also happy, because I really think that the more time she has for that to heal, the likelihood of it fracturing again if she were to fall or something is less and less, so 2 more weeks at home is a GOOD thing. Not to say that being at school is an "uncontrolled environment," but there are so many other students in the class - it would be hard for the teacher to keep constant control of her, ya know?

I'm a bit unhappy with the decision, because she really misses being at school. She misses her friends and teachers - she even misses the schoolwork! She was so upset when she found out they were starting to create their "Young Authors" books.

So - we've set up a little school house right under our own roof! ;) O.K., not really a school house, but we've been getting homework sent home - I've even printed some worksheets online and we've been working on it here at home. She loves it! We've even started doing her Young Authors book {I hope we're doing it right!:/} This morning when we were doing her work, she said "See! You can homeschool!" Yes baby, I can, but it's not something I would be able to consistently do with all three kids. I'm definitely not smarter than a 5th grader!;)

Either case - we're home for two more weeks, and we're gonna make the best of it!

Chloe was supposed to be in a concert at school this Thursday and Friday, but instead we are just going to go and watch her brother sing his little heart out! It'll be fun for her to at least see her friends!

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