Tuesday, September 9, 2008

She's tarnished?!?!?

So, the other day, I was in the kitchen (aren't I always in the kitchen?!?) getting ready to put dinner on the table. Chloe walks in, and the following is what was said:

Chloe: (in a sing song voice) Daddy sang bass, momma sang tenor...
(Click on the link to hear the song)

Me: What?!?!

Chloe: (in a sing song voice) Daddy sang bass, momma sang tenor...

Me: Where'd you hear that?

Chloe: Me and daddy listen to it when we go to school in the morning! (Big grin on her face)

I go into the family room and tell Ryan what just happened in the kitchen, and he too gets a big grin on his face.

A little background for you, Ryan LOVES Johnny Cash! I, on the other hand - HATE IT!! Really, I don't like his music at all!!! Well, I had the great idea last year for Christmas to get him the Greatest Hits CD, and he listens to it - ALOT and apparently even when he brings Chloe to school each morning.

While I can't say that Johnny Cash is the best thing to fill her mind with before school, I can say that those are awesome times that she shares with her daddy each and every morning, and those are going to be the times she remembers!

So when she's singing, "we got married in a fever - hotter than a pepper sprout" through the house, I just have to come to grips with the fact that she will be a Johnny Cash fan, if she isn't one already...and I'm o.k. with that.

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