Sunday, September 28, 2008

Close Call

Brett just can't seem to catch a break lately. If it's not an MRI, then it's falling off a teeter-totter at the park, or getting a fat lip from him and Owen bonking faces, Owen cutting Brett's finger with the scissors (I'm partly to blame for this one)...the list could go on.

Today though, was a little bit scary for a second. We were at the lake to close/winterize everything up for the winter. Ryan had started a fire in the fire pit this morning to burn all of the leaves. By this afternoon the fire pit was basically smoldering. Definitely still hot though, and unfortunately we found out the hard way.

Brett and my nephew, David were playing with a jump rope, and the next thing you know, I hear Brett screaming and he is standing up next to the fire pit. He tells me he fell in the fire, and I immediately start to scream - thinking "this is gonna be bad!" I quickly took him over to Ryan and we put the hose on his hand. He was screaming so bad, and really didn't want us to try to clean all of the ashes off his hand. He had ashes all over his shirt and pants, and I later found out that his whole body fell in the pit, but only his hand was slightly burnt. He's got one big blister, and maybe 6 or 7 little blisters on his hand.

When I think about how bad this accident could've been, I get really upset. Once again, my God was there to protect my Brettie and I'm so thankful for that!

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