Thursday, March 8, 2007

Snowmobile Trip Part 2

So the second day, Ryan and the guys took the little boys out for a ride. Every single one of the little boys came back sound asleep.

Believe it or not, Brett fell asleep every time we went out on the snowmobiles. It was crazy!!

Don't worry ~ he's fine...I layed Brett down on the floor in the mudroom, so that I could get all of my stuff off, and believe it or not, he slept there for about 45 minutes.

While the boys were out, the girls got to have hot chocolate...MMMMMM!!!

Ryan and I went out while the rest of them watched out kids. When we got back, we were told that they were down on the lake ice fishing. So, we went down there, only to find that they were coming back up. This was what I saw, and I just had to get a picture...yes, there are 5 people on that sled...

Monday night, the guys sat around the kitchen table to plan out their "morning run." They had to make sure which trails were going to be groomed, etc. At one point Dennis was on the phone calling a grooming hotline. It was pretty funny.

We had a great trip! We are just so blessed to have friends that allowed us to use their cabin, and their snowmobiles. It's just awesome! Thanks guys!!

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

The Thiele Family's first snowmobile trip!!!

Well, minus Owen.

Ryan and I and the kids went to a friend of ours cabin in Northern Wisconsin for a long weekend to take Chloe and Brett snowmobiling. We left on Friday afternoon, got there about 3:00 a.m., and we just got back last night.

We left Owen home with my mom for a couple of days, and then Ryan's parents for a couple of days, and then finally overnight with Auntie Jen. Everyone said that he did GREAT!! I, on the otherhand was very sad to be without him. I got over it pretty quick, and had alot of fun, but come Monday afternoon, I was ready to be with him again.

Chloe looking like a Ninja with her neck warmer on! :)

FINALLY ~ Ready to go. Man, it takes alot to get everything on everyone!

Brett had to ride with Ryan. He didn't hold on much, so he swayed side to side alot ~ something I wasn't comfortable with.

Me and my girl.

Our first stop was to get Hot Chocolate, and dare I say, Chloe and Brett's first trip to a pub?!:)

I'll post more later, I haven't got much time tonight!